新意 会员
帖子数 : 273 积分 : 425 威望 : 1 注册日期 : 11-03-09
| 主题: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周六 18 六月 2011, 11:26 pm | |
| 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6408099801017k96.html视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 你知道,昨天中国领导人公开表示对借给我们的钱“有些”担忧【台下大笑】,说“有可能”我们还不了。我想他们不只是“有些”担忧,这只是公开说法,想象一下他们私下会怎么看?他们一定知道我们不会还这笔钱,不可能给中国人还这笔钱,这是绝对不可能的。 Because the Chinese just mentioned yesterday that they were getting a little concerned about all the money they loaned us and that just maybe we won't pay them back. I'm sure they're a lot more than just a little concerned, because that's what they said publicly. Imagine what they're saying privately. Because they know we're not going to pay them back. Of course we're not going to pay the Chinese back their money. It's impossible. We can't. We can't possibly. ——想象一下,某天总统奥巴马,对着数万亿美国民众,发表一次公开的电视演说。他这样说道: “亲爱的美国同胞们,今天非常不幸地,我给你们带来了一个坏消息。政府决定对美国普通民众大幅加税;那些仍然没有失业的人,将为此支付更高的个人所得税;政府将全面削减社会福利,仍然没有实施的各种福利措施将彻底取消;我原先制定的所有计划,包括全民教育、医疗保障、自主能源,所有这些计划将被无限期搁置。因为中国人要我们还钱!【台下长时间狂笑】我们借的实在是太多了,全世界妇孺皆知【台下笑】。欠债还钱,天经地义。所以我们必须勒紧裤腰带给中国人还钱!【台下大笑】” Can you imagine? Can you imagine if President Obama, giving the following type of speech to the American citizens. He'll give a national televised address and say, "My fellow Americans, I've got a little news for you today. We're going to have to have a massive, across-the-board tax increase on average working Americans. Any American that still has a job is going to have to pay much higher income taxes. "And, as a matter of fact, we're going to have to cut Social Security across the board. Forget the Social Security check, we're going to have to reduce it. And remember all my plans about more education and health care for everybody and energy independence, we got to put all those plans on hold, because the Chinese need their money. "We borrowed a lot of money from the Chinese and we're good for our debts. They worked hard for that money and they loaned it us to and we're going to pay it back. And that's going to require a big sacrifice on our part." ——大家认为这样的事可能发生吗?别开玩笑了。 我们更应该对中国人说:“你们是食利者!放高利贷者!我们需要修改游戏规则【笑】,我们要打破债务枷锁!你们明知我们还不了,还借给我们那么多钱!【台下大笑】这不是我们的错!” Does anyone think that we're going to do that? What are they, kidding me? Do you know what we're going to tell the Chinese? We're going to say, "You guys are predators, predator lenders. We need a modification program. We need a cramdown on this. You never should have lent us all this money. You know we can't pay it back. It's not our fault." ——中国人自己很清楚,他们无法参与我们的政治选举,我们为什么还要在意中国人怎么想?华盛顿难道会得罪选民,去取悦非选民? The Chinese know this. The Chinese, they can't even vote in our elections. Why are we going to care what they think? We're going to tax voters to pay non-voters? ——中国人很清楚,我们不可能还他们钱,这和伯尼?麦道夫的骗局是同一个道理。别人借我们钱,我们是怎么还的?——再去借新债。 So the Chinese know they're in this box. The US government, we don't pay our bills. We're like Bernie Madoff. People loan us money. How do we pay it back? We borrow more. ——麦道夫早期的客户确实能把钱要回来,为什么?因为麦道夫仍然在吸收新钱,骗那些还不知道这是庞氏骗局的人入会。财政部也在做同样的事情,国债到期了怎么办?——再把它卖给其他人。需要支付利息怎么办?——照借不误。如果有一天谁也不愿再买我们的国债了,那就只能违约,和麦道夫一样。违约只有两条途径,要么直接宣布不还,要么印钱。这就是这些债务唯一可能的结局,反正它们不可能被偿还。中国人当然知道这一切,我们很快就会明白。 If somebody came to Bernie Madoff a couple years ago and wanted their money, they got it. Why did they get it? Because they were able to take in new money. They found another sucker who didn't know it was a Ponzi scheme. Same thing the US government does. Every time a bond matures, we just go sell another one. And every time we need to pay interest on the national debt, we go borrow that too. Well, it works until nobody wants to lend us any more money, then we're going to have to default, just like Bernie did. And there's only two ways we can default. We just legitimately don't pay, or we print money. That's it. There's only two ways to repudiate your debt. There's no way we're going to pay the debt; the Chinese have to know that, and we're going to figure that out. ——在我看来,与其把麦道夫投进监狱,我们不如任命他为财政部部长【台下听众狂笑】,因为他的经验是我们最最需要的——那就是玩“庞氏骗局”的经验。【台下大笑】 And, of course, I said, instead of putting Bernie Madoff in jail, we should just make him Secretary of the Treasury. Because he's got a lot of experience, exactly the kind that we need, running a Ponzi scheme.
若蓝 会员
帖子数 : 694 积分 : 1158 威望 : 0 注册日期 : 10-12-19
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 1:15 am | |
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若蓝 会员
帖子数 : 694 积分 : 1158 威望 : 0 注册日期 : 10-12-19
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 1:28 am | |
| 被人家耍弄着,被人家指挥着,被人家下转基因毒药,被人家没有硝烟的战场都灭掉了,还在爱着狼?! |
怒吼 会员
帖子数 : 662 积分 : 664 威望 : 0 注册日期 : 11-04-26
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 9:26 am | |
| 怎么样?借钱不还你有什么办法?貌似强大的中国在美国人面前显得很软弱,究其愿因不外乎就是有些人的把柄攥在美国人手里。政府高官们很明智,舍大家顾小家。中国人民能答应吗?一道闪电划破夜空,一声闷雷就要炸响。 |
正义 会员
帖子数 : 11 积分 : 11 威望 : 0 注册日期 : 11-05-30
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 10:56 am | |
| 被人家美国耍弄着,被人家指挥着,被人家下转基因毒药,被人家没有硝烟的战场都灭掉了,还在爱着狼?那中国的领导人是怎么当的? |
永恒的心 会员
帖子数 : 1133 积分 : 1141 威望 : 0 注册日期 : 11-05-31
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 11:12 am | |
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小弹壳 会员
帖子数 : 160 积分 : 319 威望 : 2 注册日期 : 11-04-25
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 1:01 pm | |
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红树林 会员
帖子数 : 630 积分 : 774 威望 : 3 注册日期 : 11-02-24
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 3:15 pm | |
| 露馅了吧,看你们还怎么彰显大国风范,什么大国风范?简直是卖国风范,奴隶风范。快去吧你们的帝国主子有事情找你们,像狗一样听命去吧!那笔帐中国人民不认账,走狗们是偷拿走的,没有和国人讲过此事,我们不承认的,早晚比还。 |
知行 会员
帖子数 : 319 积分 : 399 威望 : 0 注册日期 : 11-04-10
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 3:35 pm | |
| 不知道高官卖国贼们为什么如此的弱智,要把肉放在狼肚里去保管,还是有不可告人的秘密? |
阳光山川 会员
帖子数 : 1452 积分 : 1650 威望 : 2 注册日期 : 11-02-24
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 10:31 pm | |
| 你们的卖国风范,可是害苦了国人。你们如何向国人交代?你们的下场如何是小事,可是,金子怎么要回来?可恨!可恶! 可悲!一副奴才嘴脸!!! |
谦虚 会员
帖子数 : 476 积分 : 557 威望 : 2 注册日期 : 11-01-06
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 19 六月 2011, 10:56 pm | |
| 拿人民的血汗钱去送人,可我们百姓却食不果腹。如此弱智,如此卖国求荣看你们怎么向人民交代!!! |
星光 会员
帖子数 : 4 积分 : 4 威望 : 0 注册日期 : 11-06-01
| 主题: 回复: 视频曝光:美国承认绝不还中国的钱 周日 26 六月 2011, 1:29 pm | |
| 中国的卖国贼是人民的敌人,美国敢不还中国人民的钱那他也是中国人民的敌人,只要是敌人我们就要用各种办法消灭它,绝不手软。 |